Hello there and thank you so much for viewing my site. I am addressing you in a more intimate fashion because with all of my businesses you will see that I love to give my clients my personal touch. Now, before I formally introduce myself and share my entrepreneurial journey allow me to say this, “I AM NOT BUSY.” I had to get that out of the way because when I share with people my businesses they often respond with, “wow you’re busy.” I personally feel that "busy only comes into effect when you allow yourself to be defined by a checklist!!!!!"
Now, allow me to share a little bit about myself. I am and have been married to my amazing husband for 29 years. We have lived in Great Falls for that amount of time as well, but are originally from Chicago, Illinois. We have 3 adult children and 2 Siberian husky dogs. We both are truly people persons. I believe being in Ministry may have something to do with that. Yep, my husband is a Pastor and has been Pastoring for 21 years.
The Gate of Beauty Salon was my first line of business. I started the salon in March of 2000 and it has been thriving ever since. The Gate of Beauty is a Multi-Cultural Salon with clientele from every nationality and I love the diversity of it; from shampoo sets for my seniors to hair extensions for my clients that desire fuller and longer hair, all the way to braids for kids.
Secondly, I am a Licensed Real Estate Agent at Coldwell Banker The Falls Real Estate. Being an agent is a self-employed position. My appointments are set exclusively by me, giving me the opportunity to be one on one with either a seller client or a buying client. I am embarking upon 4 years in this career field and have enjoyed every client I’ve been blessed to serve.
Finally, there’s the Collins 3x3 Home Staging Design. Home staging is so amazing and because it’s an on-demand business for Realtors that need their listings staged, it leaves plenty of time for me to do hair and show homes.
At the end of the day, which usually concludes by 4 pm, it always brings me the satisfaction of going home to my husband.
So you see, I’m really not busy and I certainly don’t look at anything I do as work for this one reason. I heard a quote years ago that said, “IF YOU EVER FIND ANYTHING YOU LIKE DOING, YOU’LL NEVER WORK A DAY IN YOUR LIFE!!!”…..therefore, I don’t actually work-but I live out every day of my life enjoying what I like. This is me!!! Enjoy my site.